
Utilities for maniuplating latex documents.


Find the tex article in the current directory that can be considered a root. We do this by searching contents for '\documentclass'.


base_dir : str

Directory to search for LaTeX documents, relative to the current working directory.


tex_path : str

Path to the root tex document relative to the current working directory.


Iterate through all .tex documents in the current directory.

paperweight.texutils.inline(root_text, base_dir='', replacer=None, ifexists_replacer=None)

Inline all input latex files.

The inlining is accomplished recursively. All files are opened as UTF-8 unicode files.


root_txt : unicode

Text to process (and include in-lined files).

base_dir : str

Base directory of file containing root_text. Defaults to the current working directory.

replacer : function

Function called by re.sub() to replace \input expressions with a latex document. Changeable only for testing purposes.

ifexists_replacer : function

Function called by re.sub() to replace \InputIfExists expressions with a latex document. Changeable only for testing purposes.


txt : unicode

Text with referenced files included.

paperweight.texutils.inline_blob(commit_ref, root_text, root_path, repo_dir='')

Inline all input latex files that exist as git blobs in a tree object.

The inlining is accomplished recursively. All files are opened as UTF-8 unicode files.


commit_ref : str

String identifying a git commit/tag.

root_text : unicode

Text of tex document where referenced files will be inlined.

root_path : str

Path of file containing root_text relative to the git directory.

repo_dir : str

Directory of the containing git repository.


txt : unicode

Text with referenced files included.

paperweight.texutils.inline_bbl(root_tex, bbl_tex)

Inline a compiled bibliography (.bbl) in place of a bibliography environment.


root_tex : unicode

Text to process.

bbl_tex : unicode

Text of bibliography file.


txt : unicode

Text with bibliography included.


Delete latex comments from a manuscript.


tex : unicode

The latex manuscript


tex : unicode

The manuscript without comments.